Research & Development
Mizuho technology features in the world's most advanced operating rooms
Futuristic surgery utilizing IoT, robotics, and AI

Photo: FATS Tokyo Women's Medical University, as of Apr. 2019
Today, in many operating rooms, surgical teams must make decisions within a limited time frame based on vast amounts of information generated by a wide variety of medical equipment and devices. To reduce the decision-making burden, a joint development team comprising five universities (including Tokyo Women’s Medical University, Hiroshima University and Shinshu University) and 11 companies has created SCOT®, a state-of-the-art operating room, with support from the Japan Agency for Medical Research and Development.
SCOT, short for Smart Cyber Operating Theater, improves surgical accuracy and safety by connecting and linking various medical devices and equipment using IoT to enable real-time monitoring of surgery and the patient’s condition. The concept and technology of SCOT has evolved from Basic SCOT to Standard and now Hyper SCOT.
Hyper SCOT, where almost all devices in the operating room are connected via a network, has been used for clinical research involving AI as well as operating tables featuring robotics technology. Mizuho has been working with universities and industry to develop advanced operating tables featuring cutting-edge digital technology, with the aim of improving surgical efficiency and safety through data integration.
This next-generation surgical system is already being used in actual surgical settings in Japan, with a Hyper SCOT installed at Tokyo Women's Medical University, Basic SCOT at Hiroshima University, and Standard SCOT at Shinshu University. As part of this system, Mizuho operating tables are used to promote surgical accuracy and safety and deliver improved treatment outcomes for many patients.

Photo: NTT DOCOMO, INC. as of Jan. 2022
The concept of SCOT originated with research that began in 2014, and is now in a new phase using IoT. An experimental study of a mobile operating room simulating remote surgical support over 5G is underway, with a view to developing mobile surgery trucks where doctors can perform surgery in depopulated areas and disaster sites.

Photo: NTT DOCOMO, INC. as of Jan. 2022
Mizuho continues to contribute to the development of cutting-edge medical technologies around the world, working with medical institutions and other partners to provide better patient QOL and greater satisfaction for medical professionals.
Related Websites *Japanese only
FATS Faculty of Advanced Techno-Surgery TWMU (Tokyo Women's Medical University)
For inquiries about SCOT products contact:
FUJIFILM Healthcare Corporation